PLANNING timetable

Mark these dates in your diary - don’t miss important 2024 deadlines!

Friday 15th March

Registrations open via our online registration system.

Registrations will only be accepted from the school's designated Zespri AIMS Games Coordinator.

Schools are allocated a unique Zespri AIMS Games registration log in code to complete their entries.

Wednesday 5th June

Entries close for the 2024 Zespri AIMS Games at 7.59pm. Schools agree by registering teams and individual athletes that registrations for their school as at this date will be paid for in full. NO EXCEPTIONS! If registration for a sporting code is oversubscribed, then the opportunity to compete will be at the discretion of the executive committee and the individual/team registration fee will be refunded.

Wednesday 5th June

For all individuals competing in Mountain Biking, Surfing, Tennis and Yachting - name, date of birth, code information, coaches and managers names and contact details to be uploaded in our online registration system.

Wednesday 12th June

Latest date that schools will be in receipt of their registration fee invoice for the 2024 Zespri AIMS Games.

Wednesday 19th June

All schools must have paid their registration invoice to have their entry confirmed. Late entries (if accepted and only where a sporting code is not already at capacity) will incur a 50% penalty fee.

Wednesday 24th July 

Hip Hop tickets go on sale.

Monday 29th July

Swimmers need to submit the events they wish to swim via the Swimming NZ Fast Lane. SNZ entries open.

Monday 29th July

School group pre-sale for opening ceremony tickets commences.

Wednesday 31st July

All team and individual athlete names, date of birth, code information, coaches and managers names and contact details to be uploaded via our online registration system. 

Please note that this applies to registered athletes only, late entries will not be accepted.

Monday 5th August

Opening ceremony tickets on sale to the public.

Wednesday 7th August

Team sporting code draws published on the Zespri AIMS Games website.

Friday 16th August

All parents/caregivers must have completed their child’s medical form and media waiver on the Zespri AIMS Games website.  Please note that the links to these documents will not go live until 31st July, after schools have uploaded their participating athletes.

Thursday 29th August

Preliminary individual sporting code draws published on the Zespri AIMS Games website.  Final draws will be published no later than one week prior to the event.

Saturday 7th September

The 19th Zespri AIMS Games School Sporting Championships opens.

Sunday 8th September

Opening Ceremonies, Mercury Baypark Arena, Mount Maunganui (First show 3.00pm, Second show 7.00pm).

Friday 13th September

The 19th Zespri AIMS Games School Sporting Championships closes.