​​​​​​​E whakapono ana mātou o tō mātou whakataetae kia whāia e mātou ngā mahi tākaro me whai ake nei i runga:

  • i te ngākau harakoa

  • i te whakāro kia mau, ū tonu ki ngā tikanga me ngā whakahau

  • i te ngākau manaaki i tā ngā kaiwawao i te whakatau

  • i te ngākau whakaute tātou i te hunga whakahē me ngā kaitautoko

  • i te ngākau hūmarie ka waiho hei toa whakaiti, hei toa rangatira

  • i te ngākaunui me te wairua tōtoke

  • i te ngākau manaaki ki tenei whenua ō Tauranga Moana e takaro ana mātou

We at our tournament agree that when playing sport we will:

  • Enjoy ourselves

  • Play within the rules

  • Respect the referees and the umpires

  • Respect the opposition and their supporters

  • Be humbled winners and dignified losers

  • Play hard but play fair

  • Respect the land of Tauranga Moana where we will play on